Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Here's hoping everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

And as you can see, Santa has been hard at work already.  Don't forget to leave out your cookies and milk.  And in my case, put the dogs in their kennels tonight so they don't eat the cookies first!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What's in 1 day, 9 hrs, 3 min, 28 secs?

Santa Claus! 
If you haven't done this before with your kids, it's pretty cool. Oh heck - you don't need kids to do it!

NORAD (The North American Aerospace Defense Command) has been tracking Santa Claus since the 1950's.  On Christmas Eve, they post Santa's location from wherever he is in the world.

Here's hoping you've been "nice" and Santa stops at your house.  I'm off to bake some cookies!